
Grinding Website / Yongkang News

May. 26, 2019

On May 26, 2019, the delegation of grinding website / abrasive tools magazine ended the busy exhibition rush and set off for the last stop of the trip - Yongkang eagolcut abrasives. At this exhibition, eagolcut abrasives made a brilliant appearance, and its new marketing model has become a highlight of this exhibition. How does eagolcut Abrasives firmly link the new brand marketing mode with the production link of the enterprise when the industry situation is declining? Behind its steady development, what are the development secrets for reference? All the above questions will be answered during this reporter's visit to eagolcut abrasives. At 14:00 in the afternoon, the reporter and his party arrived at Yongkang eagolcut abrasives company. Sunny, general manager of eagolcut abrasives, expressed the meaning of "sorry to meet you late" to the reporter and his party. As early as the first day of the exhibition, eagolcut Abrasives warmly invited the mill network to visit the factory for exchange. Unexpectedly, the exhibition was busy, so the meeting and exchange was postponed to today.

In the office, sunny and Yin Yifan, general manager of the mill network, exchanged views on the current industry situation. Sunny said that enterprises should adhere to the bottom line of quality in the face of price chaos, put an end to the acts of shoddy goods, fake and shoddy goods, and adhere to product management and innovative production processes. During the conversation, sunny and Yin Yifan talked about the future brand development trend of the abrasive industry, and sunny also made it clear that in the follow-up brand promotion strategy, eagolcut Abrasives will carry out relevant cooperation with the grinder network to improve the development quality and build the enterprise brand.

Earlier, the reporter and his party had heard about the first underground factory in China created by eagolcut abrasives. This visit to see the workshop style of eagolcut Abrasives also became one of the important itineraries of the reporter's trip. To this end, sunny led the reporter and his delegation to visit the eagolcut Abrasives factory. Different from other plant structures, eagolcut abrasives is unique in the planning of the plant structure. The three-dimensional warehouse structure makes full use of the vertical space of the warehouse, which effectively improves the storage capacity per unit area of the warehouse, saves the occupied space, and facilitates the improvement of production efficiency and the traceability of product quality. In the management room of the warehouse, a management board is set up to publish the details of warehouse management responsibilities on the, which not only ensures the orderly implementation of warehouse management, but also maps the responsibilities to specific management personnel, thus improving the management efficiency.

After visiting the warehouse, the reporter and his party went to the product production workshop of eagolcut abrasives. In the clean workshop, all functional zones are distinguished in an orderly manner. It is the production workshop of cutting disc. The reporter found that different product departments have professional staff to carry out product quality testing. According to sunny, the testers will collect product use experience information from multiple angles such as the feeling of hand and balance when the product is polished, so as to continuously improve the product use experience from the perspective of customer operation and produce higher quality products.

A high-quality enterprise, in addition to a strict production management system, employee culture is also an important part of enterprise culture. Outside the eagolcut Abrasives workshop, there is a star employee scoring board. In each assessment quarter, each department will select the star employees of that quarter and give the listed employees star employee welfare benefits. While motivating employees, the enterprise also fully mobilizes employees' production enthusiasm and ensures the continuous vitality of the enterprise.

In a twinkling of an eye, the sky is getting dark, and today's visit of the reporter's delegation will be nearing the end. This visit makes the reporter fully feel the enterprise production culture of eagolcut abrasives. I believe that under the guidance of scientific management system and innovative ideas, eagolcut Abrasives will surely bring us more surprises and expectations in the future.


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